August…The Sunday Night of Summer?
I’m in the Northeast, which means we typically go back to school in late August or early September. My sister, whose husband is a teacher, once said that June is the Friday night of summer, July is the Saturday, but August is the Sunday. And the closer it gets to going back, the more “Sunday Night” August becomes.
The dreams start -- you know, the ones when you forgot your lesson plan and the class revolts and no one listens and you have the wrong roster.
No matter how long I’ve been teaching (going on year 24!), August always feels this way. Yes, I am more confident in my procedures and routines, and in my experience to manage a classroom. I LOVE this way of teaching World Language, and from DAY ONE it’s exciting to see acquisition happen right before my eyes. Yet, the struggle is real.
How do we cope with this? How do we avoid the weeks of Sunday-night-ish nerves?
#1: Weekly packets
Weekly Packet Graphic Organizer - Click here to download a copy for free!
The weekly packet was a true gem I learned from Jon Cowart’s Behavior Management for the CI Classroom e-course. I’ve modified the packet over the years, depending on the age group of my students and the amount of structure needed to manage the class. Typically, the weekly packet is a blank graphic organizer for each day of the week, with boxes that guide us through class. You can read more about ways to use the weekly packet here, but essentially the beauty is in the routine the packet establishes, and the flexible structure it gives me.
I liken it to going BOWLING WITH THE BUMPERS IN. You know, those big rubber things they put along the sides so no matter what your bowling ball will for sure get to the target. This is what the weekly packet gives me internally. Bumpers, so no matter what crazy stuff happens during class, I can redirect them to a pencil and paper activity and stay on course.
#2: Daily lesson plan framework
The daily lesson plan framework was a gem learned from Tina Hargaden’s Stepping Stones. I learned how to us it through the Summer Institutes via Curriculum Club back in 2020, and to continue the bowling analogy, it’s like the directions to how to bowl a strike (aka: deliver input!). You can read more about the framework here, but basically I designed my version of the weekly packet to align with the lesson plan framework. Each box in the graphic organizer is like a bumper, guiding me and my students towards input. Even if some days are just a hot mess, the packet still keeps me on track to follow the framework.
I can’t say enough about these tools as steadying resources for me. Feel free to click on the images above to download and try them for yourself! If you modify them, let me know how it goes--I love hearing how different teachers use them in new ways.
Most of all, when you wake up from a “Back-to-School” dream and the anxiety starts calling, shout back “Weekly Packets!” or “Daily Framework!” and watch that stress subside.
Wishing you the very best,
Catherine ⛱
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